Solid Outside Closure Strips for Metal Roofing Hardy/Econo Rib, Ag Panels 9 inch on center major ribs (Examples include: Tuff Rib, MasterRib, Hardy Rib, Econo Rib, Premium Pro Rib, Pro Rib, Classic Rib, Ultra2000, 5Rib, Master Rib, and many others.)

- Designed to close gaps in roof & sidewall applications. Material is pre-cut to conform to metal panel configurations.
- Applications include closing the openings at the ridge cap.
- 1.8 lb. Density polyethylene foam is designed to withstand harsh weather elements including moisture & ultraviolet rays.
- Interlocking dovetails provide a secure end to-end fit, eliminating any potential gaps
- Solid closure strip. Not used for venting.
- 3ft in Length
- 3/4″ Tall & 9″ on center major ribs