Do Metal Roofs Attract Lightning?

Do Metal Roofs Attract Lightning

There are a few common concerns out there among those who are considering a metal roof for their home or building, and one of these is in regard to metal’s conductivity. Specifically, it’s commonly asked as such: Do metal roofs attract lightning?

At Mid Michigan Metal Sales, we’re here to supply clients around Michigan with the very best metal roofing shingles, metal roofing panels and other metal roofing products, helping with any new roof setup you’re interested in. We’re here to tell you that no, metal roofs do not attract lightning in any more significant way than any other roofing material – and furthermore, metal roofs actually hold several major advantages when it comes to lightning protection for your entire structure. Here’s a primer on why this is the case, and why increased lightning risks are not present with a metal roof.

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Hail Damage and Metal Roof Replacement

Hail Damage and Metal Roof Replacement

It’s common to wonder how certain weather events might affect your metal roof anywhere around Michigan, and hailstorms are some of the most notable such events. How do metal roofs deal with hail storms and hail damage, and how much hail damage can a metal roof sustain before you should replace it?

At Mid Michigan Metal Sales, we’re proud to offer a wide range of metal roofing panels, shingles and other metal roofing supplies for clients around Michigan. Our products are made to stand up to any kind of weather, including hail, and come in the very highest quality possible. Here are some basics on how metal roofs do with hail, plus how much hail damage they can sustain before replacement is recommended. 

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